Wow! You get more time for vandalizing a car, than beating up a cop. Who woulda thunk it. I guess you walk the earth long enough, you get to see a little bit of everything.
We don’t send American citizens who engage in property damage crimes to foreign prisons you stupid fucking chimp. It’s not even a federal crime for the U.S. Govt to be involved in. States, and their legal systems, would handle such things with fines and/or jail time as prescribed by their laws.
Thats a win for us and a win for the manufacturer
In this case…..
It means more money for Elon
Yet another example of that brilliant dem strategy, huh, lol?
Russia has gulags for dissidents and "enemies of the State" in Siberia.
The US equivalent is now clearly El Salvador 🤬
And what freaks me out is that there are so many more of "you", with guns, than them.
Revolt ffs 🗽
But hey, don't do the things they did did to you or they start freaking out and crying.
The effin bunch of toddlers.