total misunderstanding of even basic precepts of free speech, hate speech, stochastic terrorism, and censorship. stop embarrassing yourself and pretending to have opinions on things you clearly dont even begin to comprehend
My understanding of it, and I may be wrong, is that this post you just made, could be considered illegal if it inspired someone else to post hate, due to the wording of the law in question.
Based on what's written, that law seems... frighteningly subjective. Lots of promises that "you have to be VERY abusive to be convicted!" but also, the prosecution only has to prove that it was "likely" to be seen as "stirring up hatred", and not intended.
speaking only in general and not on the specifics cause I dont know the specifics, the idea I think is that "outright incitement or harassment" has become really hard to actually spot, and on a long enough timeline most all hatespeech results in action, ultimately
its a tricky thing cause obviously you dont wanna give any government even the smallest amount of rope to stamp out speech they can just rule as unlawful
but the sad truth is that even banal prejudice speech can end lives, it just takes a lot longer and the dots dont connect as closely
Any thoughts I had that people could just be left to their own devices and everything will be OK were tempered by the frothing idiot outside Scottish Parliament on the news last night claiming “It’s my RIGHT to insult you. If you’re offended then that’s your CHOICE”. 😔
But these people are emboldened by their ability to abuse anyone online with little risk to themselves or fear of consequence. They wouldn’t do it to people’s face unless they had a team, but thats what it leads to.
While that’s the case it feels like we need to try *something*…
Personally I think calling it 'risky' and saying there will be 'challenges' is a LITTLE underselling the potential trouble, Id go so far as to say this is honestly dangerous
but I do think the alternatives are worse
this is the best of only bad choices, imo
at this point given what we're seeing with the rise of literal neo-nazis and a scarily violent disregard for the humanity of certain groups (palestinians, trans people) of late, its safe to think of hatespeech as a disease or infection
you cant just leave it unattended, even the little shit
and well, while I reckon giving governments precedent to make rulings on speech as unlawful is certainly far from the best approach
I think at current, the alternative is roving gangs of vigilantes who find neo-nazis and drag them into the street and beat them until they stop moving
Goal, understandable.... execution.... questionable.
I am not sure this law is a good idea...
but the sad truth is that even banal prejudice speech can end lives, it just takes a lot longer and the dots dont connect as closely
While that’s the case it feels like we need to try *something*…
but I do think the alternatives are worse
this is the best of only bad choices, imo
you cant just leave it unattended, even the little shit
I think at current, the alternative is roving gangs of vigilantes who find neo-nazis and drag them into the street and beat them until they stop moving
arguably worse
On the other hand, governments cannot be trusted with determining what is "correct" speech.