Then she could just jump and crash through the ceiling of places she wants too rob smashing a hole through the ceiling with HER MIGHTY WEIGHT FEAR THE 700 POUND CAT WOMEN YOUR TOOOOOOO LAAAAATE
What if she wobbled endlessly as she swung through the city? Every dress she wore tighter by the moment as she consumed meal after meal (that she stole of course) Her enormous frame, while incredibly soft, is as intimidating as the Bat, and she only aims to get bigger…
She gets bigger, jowls now so fat they start ripping through her mask. She spends her ill-gotten gains on larger doorways, sturdier beds and chairs. She drinks whole milk, more than two cartons a day, and that's just for her morning coffee. She eats more than Ivy and Harley combined.
That really isn’t helping your case at all I can’t lie.
But also like imagine that last image from your second post of the thread where she’s laying on the Bat Signal, but like her colossal butt is spread across it as her sheer weight starts to make cracks along the glass as she pats her full belly
But also like imagine that last image from your second post of the thread where she’s laying on the Bat Signal, but like her colossal butt is spread across it as her sheer weight starts to make cracks along the glass as she pats her full belly
I’m off my challenge by now…