Politics TODAY IS purely marketing but we the people of the US have made it that way. When you get your info from sites that have no ethics and don't bother to research the candidates how are they supposed to reach you? It's all flash and bang!
The first line in this article proves it’s a towing a bullshit lie. “Catastrophic defeat” she lost by literally 150k votes in a few crucial swing states because many Americans are extremely fucking stupid and are unable to research for themselves even if the future depended on it. Sad, but true🤣
That is speaking on a human level. Sorry the #TruthHurts but #FactsMatter. Most Americans are at a 6/7th grade education level. That’s fucking sad and shows why republicans get voted for. They prey on the severely under educated.
see there you go again being elitist bro. This is why people hate libs like you
Feel superior without pushing to improve their conditions, very intelligent strategy from the so called intellectual.
They'll go for who at least talks about addressing their tangible issues
It’s not elitist. It’s doing research. You’re the 1 being offended by facts. When did being knowledgeable become elitist? If you think knowing things & doing research is elitist, I think you should Google “elitist” bc your definition seems off using it how you have. I want an educated people to lead
We don't agree. Millions of people who turned out for Biden in 2020 either flipped or stayed home. That it is catastrophic defeat and it's a bad idea to not look into the causes.
Now do Trump.
No, I didn't read it. The headline was a turn off. The hypocricy of not forcing and shutting down Trumpism is a failure on media.
Feel superior without pushing to improve their conditions, very intelligent strategy from the so called intellectual.
They'll go for who at least talks about addressing their tangible issues