Something personal.
Sometimes those who are lucky enough to have the parent everyone should have, don’t understand those who have no choice but to be estranged from theirs.
I was blessed with a wonderful parent, now deceased but also one who has caused me a lot of hurt and pain. . Cont
Sometimes those who are lucky enough to have the parent everyone should have, don’t understand those who have no choice but to be estranged from theirs.
I was blessed with a wonderful parent, now deceased but also one who has caused me a lot of hurt and pain. . Cont
Once I confirmed, no further questions aked.
That parent never wanted a child anyway.
And that is quite much considering what I have been through lately, but it is what it is.
Another thing not always understood is that siblings have different parents.
Although raised in the same home by the same people, the experience is different. My sibling’s relationship with their parent is none of my business and my relationship with …cont
I know I will get fallout from sibling but they have not been in the receiving end of the mistreatment.
Collaboration can happen within families. Parents can foster division between siblings to suit their own ends. Not good ones, but the problematic ..cont
There will be no positive outcome or resolution , only peace from non engagement. Fairness isn’t… cont
Not many will know the real circumstances because estrangement also means no input into family collective narrative.
That’s ok with me. I wish it were different and I had a healthy relationship with the parent. Cont
While u am sad about that, I remain grateful for the genuine love, care and compassion I did receive from my deceased parent. I am lucky. Not everyone gets that. I still feel their love everyday and the values they passed onto me ❤️❤️❤️