This is really important for a lot of people to read, specifically in the context of “leftists” who defend Putin and Assad.
But it’s also, in my reading, part of the mindless binary adversarialism that infect politics across the board.
You’re with us or against us.
That’s dead, deadening politics
But it’s also, in my reading, part of the mindless binary adversarialism that infect politics across the board.
You’re with us or against us.
That’s dead, deadening politics
You back Israel or you’re antisemitic. You back Hamas or you’re a colonialist Zionist.
You support building concrete box apartments nobody should have to live in or you’re a NIMBY.
And not in a “radical centrist” the middle must be right way.
And not in a naive “can’t everyone just get along” way.
We have to relearn skills of disagreeing well, of listening to each other, of deliberating together, and finding creative paths through.
We should preference independents that will fight (on our behalf) for the nice things the major parties won't give us.
Time to get our act together on this.