Public History A.C.T.I.V.E principles. We collectively at the ( in #Luxembourg tried to express the core principles of our #Publichistory projects.
See the list below.
See the list below.
We develop methods of historical research and produce preferably free and open access contents aimed at different types of audiences and publics. Our research (output) is available for use and reuse beyond the walls of academia, in the on- and offline public space.
We actively promote inter- and transdisciplinary projects with other disciplines and collaborate with different institutions, as well as communication and media production agencies. We encourage participatory practices (collaboration, contribution, coproduction) with the public.
We communicate about the objectives, mission, funding, users, and consequence of our research. We acknowledge the partners and actors of our research and those who are absent or underrepresented. We address and engage with competing historical narratives at work in the public space.
We aim to include minorities and marginalized groups and communities in our work and favor the presence of multiple voices, groups and partners in our research process. The resulting plurality of interpretations is critically assessed and contextualized.
We adapt and develop ways for public partners and users to benefit from historical research. By sharing tools, access, and methodology, we contribute to the empowerment of groups and individuals. Examining the ways in which our research impacts communities is part of the process.
We support engagement with members of the public in the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of evidence based historical research and share authority with them. Together we make engaged public scholarship happen.