Agreed! If this weren’t power hungry Nazism I would say all is fair. You can’t, as you said, play patty cake with your opponent who cheats/uses violence. 1/6 was violent and everyone became afraid instead of doubling down. Also algorithmic influence of lies/propaganda. Portnoy and Elon especially.
I just wrote a long thread on how the Democrats are playing too nice and being more ethical when we should start putting candidates up against the Republicans that will fight back just as dirty but keep the Constitution in mind.
I think therein lies the problem. A dirty fighter who believes in a living Constitution is a tough get. Lots of dirty fighters/cheaters who believe in THEIR version of the (dead) Constitution on the other side. See also Clarence Thomas.
Yeah, but I don't know if it is really that tough to get. Look at how many of us are here. Some of us are also staying back on X to fight back the misinformation there. I feel that there still are enough people in this country that we can get the message across and also educate our fellow americans.
I can not agree with you both on throwing out the Constitution. The Constitution provides some of our fundamental rights as US citizens & may not be perfect but can be adapted & changed through a do process. That is why it is called a living document for the people & why we must cherish it.
The Constitution should constantly be looked at as our country continues to progress, and that is why the founding members of our government designed it that way. Changes should be made accordingly through ratification to reflect what the country feels and that rights are protected.
Also, when talking about ratification, we should talk about representation. Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 should be granted representation in Congress as well as statehood. I would also go as to say the possibility to look at other U.S. Territories as well because they are U.S. citizens.
Why would you say that? It is a fundamental document that provides rights to every US citizen in this democratic republic. It can be added to & changed accordingly through ratification by the people, so why would you not cherish a document that is meant to serve the people of this country?
I don’t “cherish” documents man lmao that’s weird as hell. Any of my buddies start saying shit bout “cherishing documents” and I would stop giving them rides to the airport. Off putting behavior.
I cannot disagree more about throwing out the constitution. But I agree that we need Democrats who are just not scared to fight back. Gavin Newsome comes to mind. He is not scared.
I think you and I are both on the same page? We both think the constitution is important to keep, and we need candidates that are willing to get down in the mud and fight just as dirty as the Republicans to try to win our elections?
Russ, youre no dummy. But this now requires serious strategic planning but with every heart n mind supporting and now getting off thier lazy asses and conducting the missions. No more couch surfing.
Cant agree more. But I think the cancer within the DNC must be removed first. The bubble people. The old playbook and its time even Gavin starts listening and talking directly to the guy living in the trailer park. Until then? Same shit.
I don’t disagree. I think we need to look towards a younger generation. But we cannot go too far left and alienate the bigger blocks of voters. I think politeness is over. And I think we have a good bench of those types of people. Jasmine Crockett, Katie Porter, Wes Moore, AOC…
The answer is no. We need more candidates that can bring more common sense issues to the table that can relate to everyone and get the message across. We also really need to look into dark money that is being funneled into campaigns by wealthy donors.
I completely understand. I believe we need to get back to closer to the middle. I know I myself, share some views that some would say are republican in nature like the right to own guns. I believe we should have that right, but do I believe that I need a 20-round magazine for my AR-15 to go hunting?
But what REALLY needs to happen, and AOC knows how, is to TELL the the American people. The good the bad and the ugly. Sugarcoating does more damage than anything else. Avoiding it just compounds that issue.
The other thing that needs to happen is that Democrats need to start blowing their own horns about things that they have done. Why did we go quiet about the economy? It’s the envy of the world, but we never mentioned it during the election. Never. Not freaking once.
Pattycake - Abbott (TX) DeSantis (FL) on immigration "we'll just transport them to democrat run cities, let them deal with this problem. NYC - Okay, let them come. We are a nation of immigrants. Solution didn't speak to solving the problem as much as it accepted it and did nothing to solve it.
YES! Joe Biden was a good president, (Way better on the economy than tRump.) and Kamala ran a good campaign, but they didn't fight right, they didn't bring gums to a gun fight, they brought spatulas instead.
He’s a great “fuck your maga feelings” kind of candidate.
Are there any Beto-ish prospects out there?