Hello, B Grrl! I have zero clue what I'm doing on here (or how it works) but I'm glad to be here all the same. I'm hoping for a social media platform with a little [no, scratch that] a LOT of intelligence, some good discussion, a few great peeps, and NO MAGA!!
PS. You’re going to have to block the MAGA. There are trolls for sure. Block all MAGA, crypto, sex bots, and African profiles looking for $. I report first then block. They come in waves. It’s worth taking time to vet before accepting a follower. And if they DM you, likely just block.
Continuing from before: (Sorry. I have my custom "FUCK" mug from Tracy & Sally here beside me, so, you know, "create" has a special kinda meaning to me.) Over and out! [BTW, is this effing program counting characters???]
Hey Rich. You’ll get used to it. Or at least used to how to fumble around until something works right. 🤣💙
We still need to get #BlueSky to allow us to create social cohorts within our followers list so it can be used a little more like Farcebook and a little less like Twitter.
Hey L-SB (am I allowed to use your real first name?) I'm still fumbling. Tell me how eggs-zackley one "vets" some other person on Bluesky? How does one "block"?
Fully dumping Farcebroke takes major MAJOR EFFORT. It took me DAYS. I'm exhausted. But of course, much MORE beaten down by Drumpf.
In order to block you click on the persons profile picture and hen click on the 3 little dots (…). They will take you to blocking etc. Block freely and often!
Did you get what I just sent? Here's the rest of it: What the heck does what you wrote above even mean?? "Create social cohorts"??? You mean, like, with modeling clay? Mold little "horts" to "co" exist with?
Sorry for the word. Cohorts meaning smaller groups within the bigger group of followers. Like a cohort of family (though almost all my family are blocked) and running friends or migrants from FB.
Hey B Grrl, I'm still in the mostly DARK. WTF? [FYI, I was never on Twitter.] HTF do I *block* some/thing/one/ post/fuckingMAGA????? WTF are the three little symbols at the bottom of posts?
Yes, I’m seeing your posts. 🤗 be patient with yourself. You’ll get it. It’s only easier if you were on Twitter. And you weren’t, so keep clicking around. I see all your posts. Yes there’s a character limit to one post.
There are maga starter pack block lists that are super fun to use. 🤣
We still need to get #BlueSky to allow us to create social cohorts within our followers list so it can be used a little more like Farcebook and a little less like Twitter.
Fully dumping Farcebroke takes major MAJOR EFFORT. It took me DAYS. I'm exhausted. But of course, much MORE beaten down by Drumpf.
Here, my name is B Grrl as stated in my profile. I’m wary.