Seems like a combination of extrovert bias and abelist attitudes that pervade our society. I'm not angry, I'm thinking; or I just need to let my brain embrace quiet.
People assume quiet people are "stuck up." I keep to myself in my neighborhood and discovered that others were creating interesting fabrications. One accused me of moving the city street light to shine in her window; another of stealing a hose (because I use one to water my garden beds).
Peopling can be very exhausting. Coming out of the pandemic degraded the capacity to socialize even further for some. We all need to learn to give grace and space and not automatically assume ill intent when someone isn’t acting how WE want them to.
I get sensory overload and at that point it’s my responsibility to remove myself from the situation or put a smile on and fake it. It’s never OK to be rude.
Especially at work. Work is not “me time”. If someone finds themselves constantly making their coworkers feel bad or ruining the vibe for everyone then they probably need to go groom dogs, or learn how to write code. 🧑💻
With my OCD, PTSD from military service and childhood abuse, I have very high levels of anxiety and depression every minute of every day. I am 45 and was undiagnosed until I was 42 - for me, being over stimulated is a serious situation that happens at ANY time.
I'm good. I've supervised or managed various teams and groups of people for 30 years. Part of being a good manager is understanding the needs of the people you work with and never jumping to conclusions about how someone feels or processes their environment.
I don't agree at all. That attitude is detrimental to many
neurodivergent people who simply are chemically unable to process stimuli as non-divergent people. Employers need to realize they are lucky to have employees, not the other way around.
Being rude to your coworkers is not self care. Employers are lucky to have good employees and unlucky to have people joining their team if the nature of the job is too much for them.
The point is, because YOU think someone is being rude, to themselves they are trying to live thier lives and do thier work about being condescending to my asshiles who think they are superior.
We have social norms. So if someone is being constantly perceived as rude, they are probably giving off a rude vibe. Look for patterns, if you’re getting that feedback a lot, there’s probably room for adjustment. If it’s just one random a-hole then that validates it’s not you, it’s them.
This is the hardest part of parenting to me. The constant need of my child to be near me. Instead sickness because he sticks to me and I wouldn't push him away, I just deal, but it usually leads to a blow up of emotions at a later stage. It's so hard. I love my kid but sometimes I need space.
Why 90% of all my relationships have ended I just like spending time alone I remember this girl telling me but I want to be alone with you ..... But then I wouldn't be alone?
The "others" are just making everything about themselves. The person posting the original comment doesn't have a responsibility to coddle explain himself to a clinger insecure person. Hope that helps.
but tbh i agree
That’s what we want others to do for us.
And ALWAYS respect personal space.
neurodivergent people who simply are chemically unable to process stimuli as non-divergent people. Employers need to realize they are lucky to have employees, not the other way around.