On Monday we learnt that 1 in 3 children are living in poverty…
And that deprivation has hit a record high
Given their new found compassion for struggling Brits
Where’s Jeremy Clarkson, Nigel Farage and Andrew Lloyd Webber to fight their corner?
And that deprivation has hit a record high
Given their new found compassion for struggling Brits
Where’s Jeremy Clarkson, Nigel Farage and Andrew Lloyd Webber to fight their corner?
Just for context,
a person earning average wage of £34,632 per annum
would only earn £1,662,336
in the 48 years of their working lives.
And, on average would pay, £338,832 in tax on that money in their working lifetimes.
To be fair, only Farage is in a position to do anything about child poverty, as he's the only serving politician in the bunch.
I won't hold my breath waiting for him to advocate for the "little people."
I'm sure some kids are poor, but when food is so cheap it's not starvation we should be worrying about.
More poverty, and at the same time more wealth owned by fewer people.
The marque of a compassionate society.
Oooohhhh kids living in poverty is not a good headline in right wing rags
I hope Labour can make some in roads to this problem
just saying
Nowhere to be seen...
Because all #populists are just #culturewarring reps for #richboys
For someone who likes to think he's a genius, he's extraordinarily slow on the uptake that people are having fewer children because they can't afford them... and the reason they can't afford them is because the rich are getting richer at the expense of everyone else.
Russian Communism is the illegitimate child of Karl Marx and Catherine the Great.
The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne stood for five days.
A period of silence on their part is most welcome else 1381🇬🇧🖕🏻
How about the Gov get out there and assess what needs to/can be done immediately! The answer is not solely expensive 10 year investigations!
Our own people are last in the queue…
We need the radical change promised!
Wasn't it 'odd' how the multi-millionaire owners of Refuk suddenly stopped pretending to care about 'freezing pensioners' as soon as news broke of their multi-millionaire chums having to pay a little more in tax?
More interested in self, self promotion, supporting millionaires to hold firmly onto their money 🤑 and keep it away from taxation.
Yea they even stockpile it offshore.
To avoid taxation is their privilege.
Self entitled hypocrites.
Truth is, if it hits them in the pocket, they don’t want to help anybody.
The rich are out of control and out of touch.
The Tories have seen to it that it's their problem now.
It doesn’t help really except to note that he shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
As, I hope, the Farmers might now be thinking after his ‘interview’ yesterday with Victoria Derbyshire.
Morally bankrupt, a symptom of what’s wrong with the over privileged private elite education system!
I could occasionally shout at people to ‘get off my land’ if it helped.