Given we’ve now learned that Musk would rather employ immigrants than Americans…
Would be great to know if and Reform agree with this stance
I’m sure their supporters will be intrigued to know…
Would be great to know if and Reform agree with this stance
I’m sure their supporters will be intrigued to know…
They get a bit cross when an elected mayor implements a ulez policy, I’d imagine they would be apoplectic if they found out an unelected foreigner did it.
Oh Wait . . . . . . .
Their mental gymnastics are Olympic standards
In the new year , rather than fall out with Musk $$, I predict that Trump will suddenly decide that ‘those’ immigrants are acceptable .
Shame hugely populated USA doesn’t have enough people educated to the level they need.
He'll be around as long as the media lets him.
More revelations to come early next week
Look forward to Farage's thoughts
No way would he believe that some "foreigner" would have useful skills.
Nor would he care if the NHS fell apart. For that matter, his followers wouldn't care either.
Remember the antivaxers dying of COVID, unrepentant even proud.
That's Reform for you.
People who hate Farage constantly go on about the media giving him air time ...then do the same themselves
He's living rent free in so many heads I wonder if any of you really care about making the UK better
The next obvious follow on to that tho is any "talking head" who's involved in going on Jeremy Vine/Newsnight/QT (from either side) their priority is NOT making the country's to be as extreme and polarising as they can be to keep their grift going
And the "followers" fall for it
You don’t help “our” case by making false comparisons
It's so hard to keep up with all of his lies, hypocrisy, greed, racism.....
I can't be arsed to list everything it easier to just say he's a c*nt.
You are providing him the oxygen he needs
They just voted to leave the EU
So we're all happy
On a personal note I'm one of those EU immigrants to the UK ...can't say I've noticed that what you say is true tho
But never mind I'll run with it