The public rates are TOUGH to decipher, and I understand them better:
• Tone, Glimmer, Stardust, and Krackle are probably grouped
• I previously thought the public rates represented your odds AFTER the protection roll; now I think the protection roll is baked in
• Tone, Glimmer, Stardust, and Krackle are probably grouped
• I previously thought the public rates represented your odds AFTER the protection roll; now I think the protection roll is baked in
• Super Rare rate for levels 2–9
• How Rays change from 1/4 weighting to 1/5 as your level changes
Ultimately, I urge SD to publish the full table even if it’s huge and unwieldy. It’s the only way we’ll have real transparency. 🩷
If they let us target certain finishes/flares, they’d know what we’re hunting.
That’s a bad streak! 😭