There WILL be NO PUSHBACK by the existing GOP elected and appointed officials ANYWHERE because they either totally believe or are scared shitless of losing their jobs. In WWII was the face of the Reich while those who obediently carried our his orders were the tools. GOP/SCOTUS are now TOOLS!
How many millions will have to die before the magats wake up?? Shutting the nursing homes their parents and grandparents are in, taking away their SS/Medicare, Medicaid, epidemics killing mostly children. No more disaster relief.Stupid is one thing, but voting for your family members to die?
Harsh words richly deserved for the weasels who have sold out and walked away from their oaths. That a doctor would vote for a charlatan like Kennedy, knowing full well how harmful his views are, is so pathetically weak.
And Democrats in power aren't doing a thing. Some Nay votes, furrowed brows. But for some reason we don't know, they're not motivated to stop the destruction. There is something in it for them, or threats against them, that has tied their hands.
Regarding the medical miracle that are vaccines — all anyone needs to do is look through US Census records and peruse FindAGrave to see how many children died before the age of 5.
Proves pure capitalism without restraint & regulations (Ayn Rand) is flawed & unsustainable. Now, these complete assholes have taken power and won’t give it up for anything. They’re the types that were mocked growing up and is retribution among other psycho reasons. It’s all about $$$ & power.
I don’t expect any Senate republican to do what is right for the country. None. It’s Trump and party first. Maybe they are all afraid of Trump and Maga. We will see how many people, specially those that voted for Trump, will suffer during the next four years.
He is very poor choice. Millions of Americans will not get the help they need under his watch. I can't stand this guy. Americans will die because of his opinions and beliefs.
I wonder if Trump's ever wondered if brain worms are contagious and if the larvae are easily picked up just by being in the same room as someone who just might be shedding them by the 1,000s...
Are the Republican Senators simply afraid of Trump’s ire and getting primaried? Or are they caving due to the sure to come death threats to them and their families?
we all need to be realistic. nobody is coming. that is clear. where are the former president's, former senior officials? unless we are making this up we need to prepare for fascism in full force. I hope the blue states are ready.
MAGA has to turn on Trump, there is no other option. There would be a virtual war if he was arrested at this time.
Maybe that what Trump wants. He let out the criminals and proud boys to cover his back just incase of trouble.
MAGA have to suffer the consequences of his policies and do a 180 turn.
TB, small pox, measles
Children will DIE!!
They do NOT care about this country or its people and they do not respect their oath of office. They care about power!
39% of the entire bureau, for this
The gathering storms of tyranny are upon us again. The blood sacrifice is demanded once more…
Maybe that what Trump wants. He let out the criminals and proud boys to cover his back just incase of trouble.
MAGA have to suffer the consequences of his policies and do a 180 turn.