Sen. Elizabeth Warren: "Violence is never the answer...but you can only push people so far, and then they start to take matters into their own hands."
"What happens when you turn this into the billionaires run it all, is they get the opportunity to squeeze every last penny."
"What happens when you turn this into the billionaires run it all, is they get the opportunity to squeeze every last penny."
Will the American people react any differently to the corporate ruling party taking overt control of the government?
Or have we been sufficiently repressed too over the years?
We need to be ready to wield one thing left to us they understand; our buying power.
Which isn't to say that capitalism is without huge glaring faults. Then again, so are people.
Systems that do not account for our faults will always fail.
Majority of post election polls and analysis shows the Cheney strategy deeply hurt her Democrat and Independant vote
Right now, Dems should be forcing Trump to go on record he won’t overturn SS but the Dem leadership is largely silent
She has a net worth that is higher than her government salary
Warren: "I'm a Capitalist".
I'm sorry for request this. We need to pay a lot of food, medicine and rent.
My little sister, Soso, lost her childhood. At least she deserves a life like your child in the north. Share Donate generously to her 🙏🥹
Violence was the answer to fascism in the ‘30’s, and I suspect, will be the answer again.
The left, myself included, need to be better about capturing momentum wherever we can get it bc there is no mainstream leftist representation
This song was released in 2026.
It’s almost 2025.
So why do i play this #HEDPE song?
Because it’s still going on.
#austerity #classstruggle #classwar #classconsciousness #classsolidarity :
“The pitchforks are coming for the plutocrats”
That unalived CEO, he was responsible himself for some 34,500 deaths per year. Just one company. Per year.
Thank you 🙏
Glad there’s at least one who has a different message.
people will only tolerate so much
Wealthy and powerful obviously don't fear and respect us enough. They will when whatever this is plays out.
They are shameless.