Bwahaha the bigot dug the hole even deeper lmfao
He legit seems to think I’m a trans woman. I mean, I’m flattered, trans women are amazing and strong. But what do my genitals have to do with wanting billionaires taxed more? It’s wild how these people think
#Bigot #AntiTranshate #WhatAnAsshole
He legit seems to think I’m a trans woman. I mean, I’m flattered, trans women are amazing and strong. But what do my genitals have to do with wanting billionaires taxed more? It’s wild how these people think
#Bigot #AntiTranshate #WhatAnAsshole
The fact that he legit said that “people liked that don’t deserve rights” are the reason why people like him are out of touch with reality. Plus, sounds like he has problems with his uncle cuz Chuddy-Boo is reaching lmfao