I remember including that final scene in a shippy music video I put together at the time 🤣 but makes me think in Mulder’s release, both of Jenn and his control on gaming the system, he gets his wish: Scully happy. And then Chris Carter and disputes yank it away…I wish for YOU to get Vince on pod!
Very nice! I was waiting to hear you guys say that OUR (the audience) wish was granted by seeing the two of them all casual during downtime hanging out on a couch making googly eyes at each other lol
Love the episode and your commentary. Quoting Vince Gilligan having “hysterical diarrhea” in the days leading up to directing this episode, it truly is one of the “comfort watch”episodes (in which two brothers blow up - nothing to worry about #regularxfilesfodder)
This one has always made my top 25. LOVE the final scene 😍. When I first watched it (20 years ago) I thought there was a possibility S was feeling out whether M had wished for her happiness, but not anymore. I think it's more special that they are happy w/o divine assistance - and they both know it
Je Souhaite is on the list of my favourite episodes—so it’s definitively loved. I agree with you that it feels like the last episode before things take a turn. I also ignore Scully asking about the occasion. I just treat it like they usually get together on Fridays and this is a Tuesday or sth. 😂
Agree with you two that this is such a comfort episode, even though I can't stop the feeling of dread I get soon as it ends 😫 also, Jenn, you aren't alone...I also think Requiem would have been quite a knockout series finale! Devastating, but it makes some sort of terrible sense to me?
Yeah, I’m definitely coming around to Jenn’s idea that Requiem would have made a good series finale. (Maybe minus the final scene…) Looking forward to hearing y’all discuss that when you get around to that episode in your mythology series.
Definitely one of my top 25