If we overturned Citizens United, the wealthiest Americans wouldn't have as much influence on policy decisions and avenues of corruption wouldn't exist.
Just saying.
Just saying.
I SCREAMED into the abyss for a year. Nobody understood. Nobody else seemed concerned. Except for a few. Thom Hartmann 1st. ❤️
Along with passing term limits for Congress.
Corporations have more free speech than citizens?
Seems anti-democratic if you ask me.
Last few weeks Jayapal was latest to offer an amendment, but of course while Dems are out of power with gop majorities.
Tyranny doesn't abolish itself.
Rise up against domestic enemies, traitors, and treasonous nazis.
You're free people. You have the liberty to defend your country, Constitution, fellow Americans, and freedom itself by any means necessary.
Revolution is the solution.