Interesting, though I don't find that surprising.
Most people who pursue MW do not come from an extensive wine service background.
And what gives confidence with wax capsules is lots of experience with opening them table side.
Especially the crack-ily ones.
While your guest eyes you warily.
Most people who pursue MW do not come from an extensive wine service background.
And what gives confidence with wax capsules is lots of experience with opening them table side.
Especially the crack-ily ones.
While your guest eyes you warily.
I mostly agree with you! But then wouldn’t it follow that all wine closures should be screwcap?
OTR can be managed for the need of the wine, so that’s not an argument against.
Doesn’t it all come down to THE experience? Which you sometimes need experience for..
Or, at least, in the future you wouldn’t need a Durand….
P.S. I found a really great knock-off on eBay that works perfectly, was about $25 and, bonus, is shaped like the Starship Enterprise D.