My goodness. To your left, someone who isn’t, but would like you to think he is, in the witness protection program. To your right, Daddy’s Fancy Boy two days in to “Lord of the Flies.”
Genuinely doesn't ring a bell. I know one of his very early interviews was supposed to be a big deal, but I don't even remember what it was. Possibly it was that Alex Jones thing. But possibly not. I had no idea he's up to 67!
Xenophobe's Paradox: one cannot ever finish an ethnic cleanse. Every time you cleanse half the populous, you must then cleanse half the remaining, and then half again....
Is chortle-cringe a thing?
Yea it’s a triple entendre
And that set! Is Tucker a wood elf now?
--Tucker Carlson, preobably after interviewing Catturd