What Putin has Trump wants. Freedom to imprison & murder any rivals. Immunity from the rule of law. All the bells & whistles & money that goes with being a dictator.
I think when voters ultimately realize 45tfg is a Clear & Present Danger: enmasse, there'll be much LESS shite in-the-proverbial-fan.
45tfg is gonna have to use sooo many [not] Gold toilets 🚽 in the various courthouses.
Or he could bring his own gold plated porta-potty, or Depends. 🚽
He ordered a drone strike on a location where a US citizen was. Still incredibly worthy of criticism as part of the horrors of drone warfare, not to mention that he was a 16-year-old kid.
But don't use that to downplay how much of a reckless authoritarian asshat Trump is.
It’s wild to write that first paragraph then accuse me of downplaying a presidential threat to democracy. We lost control of the executive branch decades ago. Yes Trump is an existential threat but when it passes we’re just back to tiptoeing our way to authoritarian rule instead of running.
I believe he was also contrite about his ultra-nationalist past. Obviously he is no western style liberal. I think we also understand there are many with problematic views who are defending Ukraine, especially in the ranks.
Every single US president you've ever heard of is what immunity from consequences looks like. You don't need to look at other countries to see what's right in front of you. Stop being terminally liberal
Not really.
putin`s immunity is not legislative or constitutional - his immunity is based on massive population support and control over money flow.
If you are referring to Trump`s dumb idea - yes it is BS, but until people in the US are not cattle - immunity won't be "russian" style.
I think that the notion of popular support is overdone. When it looked like Prigozhin was marching to Moscow, he was surrounded by well wishers. Russia is in lockdown, like a prison. Speaking out against Putin can be fatal. That's the kind of popular support he has.
It`s on the common idea that this tsar is not that bad, but the next one could be much worse so let's not touch anything so nothing will change. It`s well like a cattle -if putin will order to move to the ocean and start hitting the ocean with sticks - the population will do it without questions 2/2
Plus, he was able to replace McDonald's with McPutins and stabilize Muscovy with Chinese imports. Muscovy is passified. The hinterlands are restive, though.
It is not a prison in a Western understanding, there are no machine gunners at the border who will kill you if you try to flee. His support is not based on Western type of politics when you support a candidate cause he offers you something after elections 1/2
45tfg is gonna have to use sooo many [not] Gold toilets 🚽 in the various courthouses.
Or he could bring his own gold plated porta-potty, or Depends. 🚽
Trump just plain wants to shoot people.
But don't use that to downplay how much of a reckless authoritarian asshat Trump is.
putin`s immunity is not legislative or constitutional - his immunity is based on massive population support and control over money flow.
If you are referring to Trump`s dumb idea - yes it is BS, but until people in the US are not cattle - immunity won't be "russian" style.