Imagining the awkward moment SECDEF returns to the room after visiting the toilet. He passes you a pen. You recoil a little. Nobody can concentrate on what he says because as he waves his hands about, all anyone can think, is “ew, p1ss h@nds”. Someone buys a box of latex gloves for the office.
He’s been married three times at 44, so yeah, following his Christian values all the way to managing a trillion-dollar organization with no experience in any executive office. What could go wrong?
What is it that he thinks keeps his stupid ass on the planet instead of flying off? (never saw god either) What does he breathe? Does the internet work via magic? I've done some dumb things but I can't cognitively get to this cretin's level.
Gotta say I didn’t have a lot of confidence in Trump to select a cabinet, but a germ-theory denier has pretty much shattered the glass floor of my expectations.
The comments in the post illustrate exactly why the US and democracy is in such danger - they are falling for the same tricks.
Trump’s team has a plan - pay attention to it!
Can you focus on WHY they want to do this?
This is step one in shaping the US military according to Trump’s (and Project 2025’s) desires.
Stop with the outrage!
Anyone with a microscope could quote him Pratchett : "Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more."
Poor poor US soldiers.
Memo to Foreign Heads of State and top military advisers: Do not shake hands with US Defense Secretary, he forgot what he learned in kindergarten, always flush AND wash tour hands afterward
I just checked his Wikipedia page. Surprised to find out he's an Army major with 20 years service and 2 combat tours. Not nothing, but also not the level of experience you'd expect in an office that high.
He’s also got a degree from Princeton and a Master of Public Policy from Harvard. While being a Fox host is hard to live down, he’s better qualified than you’d think.
A day or two later, after some intense media coverage, he claimed he was just joking and lambasted the media for taking him seriously. But, considering how often Trump uses that defense when he was clearly being serious, I don't take him at his word on that.
Yeah. I'd point out for anyone who's not familiar with US military officer ranks, you have to be promoted 3 times to become a major, then 3 more times to become a one star general.
Just when I think this can’t get any worse…..There are a bazillion General’s wandering around West Point and he picked a MAJ… knock on MAJ’s, but c’mon…🤦🏻♀️
Funny, you should mention the term "Christian." This word has become only an adjective to describe someone who feels they are morally better than everyone else.
As unpopular as this choice might be, Hegseth actually spent many years serving in the US military, with deployments around the world. He also has a master's degree in public policy from Harvard, plus his obvious experience in the media. Just saying.
The only glimmer of hope I have is that these clowns are so flagrantly unqualified for doing the organizational aspect of their jobs that many of the horrible things they're planning will be stymied by the utter incompetence of said clowns.
I'd be relived when Trump being Trump because the crazier he and his nominees are the harder to normalize his behaviors (most of his behaviors had been normalized I know, but the crazier he gets eventually it WILL grind to a halt. Ofc we need to actively point out how crazy he is in the mean time.)
A friend of mine used to say that about germs, not that he believed it, but because he thought it was something a moron would say and he thought it was funny.
🤣 🦠
guess what the generals would think of that s**t 🤢
William J. Perry was one.
Trump’s team has a plan - pay attention to it!
This is step one in shaping the US military according to Trump’s (and Project 2025’s) desires.
Stop with the outrage!
Poor poor US soldiers.
Oh this is going to be great
A C list talk show host for secretary of defense
Russia will be invading Alaska by Labor day (i'm only half kidding)
Somehow bury Epstein evidence?
Being delusional is a popular pastime.
Germs are not real.
Replacement for Justice Thomas and Alito? 🤦♂️
Prolly copium, but I'll take what I can get.
Seems to be 'I'm a tough guy' response and no need to worry about hygiene as it can't penetrate his toughness.
It’s the recovering Lutheran in me. Now I gotta got to a meeting.