REPORTER: Can you personally guarantee that the workers who opt in to resign now will be paid through September?
TRUMP: Well they're get their money yeah, but ...
TRUMP: Well they're get their money yeah, but ...
A personal guarantee from Donald
Nothing could go wrong
Republicans worked really hard to bring us this.
It’s in the mail
Even then we will have schools and roads named after him. Not sure how to stomach it.
Just a reminder that those complicit in the Nazi takeover were, in fact, called Nazis.
So, do what you feel you would have done in 1930s Germany. Everyone has a "baby Hitler" story. Here ya go. 😉
Do. Not. Resign.
If you need guidance, study history.
Dude is such a lowlife, low class grifter and chiseler.
No, wait a minute...that's not right...
[Insert literally hundreds of instances where his workers have sued him to get paid.]
My agency was expanding that as part of an effort to reduce our in-office footprint and save money.
The GOP "towers of GELLO" in the US Senate send their thoughts & prayers to American citizens for the Trump Cult they have fostered to BE REELECTED.
How bad is it going to get until the Trumpelstiltskin is impeached? At this point how much BLOOD?
He will never honor it
With luck in 2028 it all can be reversed, 2028 is too far away.
Is Elonia better?
Clearly he hasn't read One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? in the past 60 years.
People lost everything they owned because that piece of shit refused to pay his bills. Fuck him!
Let them fire you then take a class action and sue the bollox off them
Remember what Musk did when he laid off the staffers at Twitter-they were never compensated
Fight them tooth and nail.
Big tell right there.
Of course.