Wasserman Schultz: "They are devastating the economy and all in the service of one goal: They are trying to make sure they can make enough room to give massive tax breaks to the wealthy, millionaires, billionaires, and corporations."
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The population is also easier to control in a dire economy. They want the majority of us to end up reliant on them. This is how dictatorships work. Control our money & livelihoods, condition us to obey and not rise up, create elite loyalists, & try to make us believe it’s all for our own good.
It seems so weird to me to do this. If they decimate everything, who is going to buy their shit? I mean, billionaires gonna billionaire, but some of these people would lose everything if they stopped having customers?
This isn't a class of people from generational wealth.
Even worse they want to privatize all government agencies. This has been a republican holy grail for decades.
Privatization is just another word for corporate greed.
The tax breaks aren't enough they want to make money off of us in every way imaginable.
Funny that she's concerned about money in politics *now*, and not when she was making big bucks stick trading and pulling bullshit as head of the DNC to hurt candidates running on getting money *out* of politics.
Democrats need to understand that the message that Republicans are giving tax breaks to the wealthy is the same one we’ve been repeating ad nauseam. While that’s absolutely true we need new messaging. Because that clearly isn’t stirring people to action.
She has the audacity to even speak about this when she worked so hard to eliminate the only person in congress to regularly condemn the oligarchy so they could nominate another Hillary’s toxic ass
The aim is for oligarchs to pay absolutely nothing other than the lowest wages possible and to not be encumbered by such frivolous things as regulations and oversight.
You would think if this was true Democrats would do everything in their power to correct the narratives and fact check Republicans when they ruthlessly target Americans with lies, but instead Democrats just roll over and play dead.
And let’s throw this in the mix. Consider this. Trump is so PO’d about 2020 (& 1/6/21) that gutting the country, aka grifting, to benefit his chosen partners is payback. It takes total control . And he sure has some partners.
There is usually more than one answer …..
Obviously elections can be bought so they need to focus on the ultra wealthy and keeping them happy versus the millions of us that will struggle to survive
I suspect part of the DOGE massive cuts to federal programs is motivated by the plot to say, “look at what a lousy job these agencies do” - when they now don’t even have staff to answer the phone or empty park trash cans - “we gotta privatize them.”
Yes the tax cuts for the wealthiest is a major concern for Americans but we are being hit from all sides with erratic withdrawal from our allies threatening our security bending to Russia. We need to stop the disregard for the people and where we stand on these vital concerns. Actions need response.
Your point is important. What they are hacking off, like calves from icebergs, the rest of us including the workers cannot rally together and purchase. We have no collective purchasing power to keep the country from becoming a corporate oligarchy - and why??? #wagedepression
Oh I Debbie suddenly worried about millionaires and billionaires? She spent all her time taking down Bernie Sanders in 2016 and now she’s shocked we’re HERE?
And yet the deficit is still ballooning under their watch. They’re cutting, but they’re still spending massively more than they’re cutting.
It’s not about giving tax breaks. They can do that without the cuts. It’s about plunging the economy into a massive recession, while spending trillions.
I'm glad Democrats are making this a class issue in service of maintaining the status quo but they need a unified plan on expanding government services if they ever want to beat Republicans.
I think Dems need to shout how the goal is to privatize everything they can — and ask if you want to be treated like an (Amazon or other) employee and give their avg pay and benefits.
@democrats.org need to message differently. I'm not saying tax cuts for billionaires isn't something people care about. Still, the message should be about how these cuts impact people directly - and how privatization of these gutted departments will take power away from the people.
Yep I believe we need a 3rd party due to the fact that the Democrats who are running the party are getting richer too by the policies being implemented. We need a party that works for everyone not just the rich
The oligarchs don’t actually pay taxes, so it’s dumb to say they’re getting tax breaks. What they expect to get is highly lucrative government contracts after the federal administration has been dismantled.
Well yeah, if they don’t pay taxes, it means that in a fair system, they’d be owing the government massive amounts of money, which they then get to keep! Ironically, the few needing it the least, take money from those who it most!
Can you find just one person with some authority who is speaking about what needs to happen to remove trump? Abstract, hypothetical, whatever. People need to have some hope that this regime can be ended - that we're not just waiting to die from hunger, disease, natural disaster & war.
If DJT lets up on his WWE-style of Administration for one second the GOP could get crushed in '26 if MAGA drifts away.
SC(R)OTUS will be overwhelmed.
mini-MAGA will have to CR until September for the hawks.
Project 2025 is nervous 'cause it delays the installation of a 6-3 SC(R)OTUS through 2052
It’s wild to me that “tax cuts” is where Democratic messaging stops, and not “they’re trying to literally do the same thing that Putin did in Russia to form a permanent oligarchy class that owns everything.”
Maybe too much for the soundbite populace, but the aim is so much worse than just tax cuts
I will never understand the Bernie to Trump voter mindset except perhaps through the “mad as hell but not particularly bright” lens. Just because Bernie is very bright, that doesn’t mean ALL of his 2016 supporters were.
2016 always bugged me, because I always felt Bernie’s was kneecapped, and despite not liking him personally, that was wrong. Meanwhile the Republicans want to bury Trump, but actually listen to their base. Weird times.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was unethical and unfairly pushed for Hilary Clinton over Bernie Sanders while holding power as chair of DNC. She’s part of the reason we all now live in the dark timeline. I hate that she is still in politics. She should be a pariah
It’s much more insidious than massive tax breaks. They want to DESTROY our institutions (post office, the VA, Medicare, SS, etc.) so they can take them over and privatize them for massive profits… with the end result being the public gets inferior services at a higher price.
This isn't a class of people from generational wealth.
Privatization is just another word for corporate greed.
The tax breaks aren't enough they want to make money off of us in every way imaginable.
There is usually more than one answer …..
We’ve moved way beyond funding a tax break for the ultra-wealthy.
It’s not about giving tax breaks. They can do that without the cuts. It’s about plunging the economy into a massive recession, while spending trillions.
The best defense is a strong offense.
I’m so over Dems bad messaging.
The Dems are stuck in Niceville.
SC(R)OTUS will be overwhelmed.
mini-MAGA will have to CR until September for the hawks.
Project 2025 is nervous 'cause it delays the installation of a 6-3 SC(R)OTUS through 2052
Maybe too much for the soundbite populace, but the aim is so much worse than just tax cuts
We have to keep flooding their phone lines. The DNC needs to hear from us, too.
The midterms are too far away. Democrats need to get into red districts now! Not next year.
dem leadership is either willfully ignorant or complicit
The U.S. won't be safe until every registered Republican is disenfranchised and the party is declared a national security threat--which it is.