Looks like him. That face. He’s a sneaky devious shit. One the Hysteria Podcast series “This Fucking Guy” did a great segment about his life of fuckery...
He needs to head on to the house. Why is he still in the Senate when he is clearly past his time and should be trying to enjoy his golden years and get into heaven before it’s too late. lol! Go home. Heck we would all have been so much better off if he had gone to the house 10 years ago.
Good. I hope he dies. No longer interested in pleasantries. He is solely responsible for the death of tens of thousands of American women due to a lack of reproductive health care. No, really. Fuck him.
The true destroyer of America's Democracy, without Mitch this would have been possible, from stealing (2) Supreme Court seats, to not holding Trump accountable with impeachment and removal from office. McConnell over saw the impeachment of a President for lying about getting a blowjob in the oval
Does the Senate have zero rules about this? Most jobs: Get a medical release with diagnosis and prognosis to return to work. We can't have you freezing mid-sentence and falling down on the job.
Who cares? He's a traitor to democracy and America. When the time comes his epitaph should be: "he called president trump's action's [before the Jan 6 riot] a disgraceful, disgraceful dereliction of duty, and then he supported this disgraceful man in every way, even into fascism..."
I’d be surprised if he voted for RFK Jr.. considering he knows the value of vaccines. I hope he is ok🌸
Those falls can take a bit longer to regroup from the older a person gets.
No problem. They successfully sabotaged Kentucky law so that Beshear can only pick from a short REPUBLICAN list for his replacement. When a republican governor is in place, they will change the law back.
Hum. If he had to leave the Senate wonder what the process in Kentucky is for replacing him? Does the Dem governor get to put someone in? Can only dream.
Actually ....how about wealth limits . ? How about a certain % of seats , in both the House and Senate , set aside for only those of working or middle class candidates . ? A minimum of 20 % of seats in Congress should do . Only then will legislation meet the needs of a majority of Americans
No , no ..not rewriting anything about capitalism ...only about politics . If the overwhelming majority of Americans being working / middle class ...why should the majority of elected officials be mega wealthy ? Just set aside seats in Congress for those who match US demographics
I hate the man on a political level but I don't hate him so much that I want to wish him bad. Let him retire peacefully his wife took a lot of hits it is what it is that's the nature of this business. Even you I've insulted you too you took it right so wish him well
He can talk about President Biden being old. However, he should look in the mirror and see a man that needs to retire. shit - relax and enjoy the rest of your short life. Why die in congress? It makes America look bad when they can't walk or talk even. American Congress = Crypt.
huh. 🤔
It’s not that I want someone to do anything to harm him but if mother nature decides to take over following this fall… I wouldn’t cry over him going tits up. 🤷🏼♀️
Mitch McConnell might have broke a hip, Matt Gaetz out of Congress, Greedy CEO’s getting justice - is this the winning we were promised? I will not get tired of this!
You can have all the power and influence this life has to offer But God is in control and ultimately you cannot take your riches to the grave with you. Enjoy your final days Mitch. Remember you will have to answer for your earthly works. 🙏🏽
Tales from the crypt this guy. He's responsible for the downfall of the Republic. Maybe someday we'll see him on trial for treason, but I doubt he'll last for much longer. Evil has longevity. Remember Strom Thurmond. Oy.
" I am sorry to say timmy, he is getting so old, we just can´t keep him - but we know a farm up north where he can run and play all day with other people just as old... "
All current lifetime appointments should have term limits.
These were made when the average lifespan was much lower and good people were leaders.
I’m sure the founding fathers didn’t foresee the snakes that would be voted/appointed into positions of power.
Was the fall natural or sort of a Moscow shove of Putin Bourbon Tea. McConnell has served his purpose for Murdoch Moscow etc so he should retire to his old Kentucky home
Those falls can take a bit longer to regroup from the older a person gets.
Shithole nation
Despicable even by GOP standards.
Mitch is TOO OLD.
It’s not that I want someone to do anything to harm him but if mother nature decides to take over following this fall… I wouldn’t cry over him going tits up. 🤷🏼♀️
OH DEAR GOD WHY WON'T THE CREATURE DI--I mean, bless his little tiny shriveled nonexistent heart.
These were made when the average lifespan was much lower and good people were leaders.
I’m sure the founding fathers didn’t foresee the snakes that would be voted/appointed into positions of power.
The Falling Dead!