2 smart American men passionate about their beliefs in how to protect integrity in their country can
And continue to protect democracy with respect for each other
Can be done 🇺🇸
It’s really helpful and informative to hear lawyers talk candidly about what could happen. What can be done etc. I appreciate you and Mark being so open all the time.
That’s why you both would be a great show. You wouldn’t be licking anyone’s boots. Discussion and disagreements are healthy. I don’t watch anything now, only independent news. I’d record this every day.
Call is MSG on Law or something....idk, but I'd watch 24/7
These next four years are going to be centered around what happens in the courts.
America needs to know. And you guys would be interesting and fun to watch.
There’s little more fun than a serious, respectful disagreement
To go the route you did despite the personal pain and turmoil because you know how to separate righ5 from wrong?
That takes a shiny backbone of steel. And no, I wouldn't agree much with your political positions minus Trump
2 smart American men passionate about their beliefs in how to protect integrity in their country can
And continue to protect democracy with respect for each other
Can be done 🇺🇸