If they raise cap on SS it would be fine although that means many wealthy will have to start paying-I understand the cap is 179,000. Seems logical way to solve that!
You know money is changing hands right?? These people have already sold out and more cash, and Musk Rat has plenty is finding it's way into their pockets, To think ethics is apparent may be just total foolishness.
I've never understood the need people have to "pay to pray". I can pray, worship, praise and give thanks all day long for free and use my money to support my own family. Too much hypocrisy at churches, imo.
Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com
Hmmm seems to be that is what is known as holding someone under duress and therefore, any votes or anything they sign or do is null and void,correct? If someone threaten them or their family, isn't that illegal and therefore, holding them under duress? They are afraid for their life or their family
Sadly, those who remain in the GOP, as well as a huge swath of the American Voting Electorate actually believe this is how our Govt & Politics is supposed to work. Nothing could be further from the truth.
People have had little, to no, Civics, nor History, in their K-12 Schooling.
The Internet will go down in history as having given birth to the hegemony of the primitive, borderless, ethnicist misfit! Increasing knowledge but not wisdom, quadrupling dizzying, devastating ignorance...
Crazy thing is... If just a few of the gop in congress would work with the democrats (who really need to start DOING something) they could remove trup from office.
Gutless wonders with very limited common sense will eventually catch up with Trump bootlickers when their constituents wake up or get educated on facts
I love the tendency to be polite to ChatGPT. I know I don’t have to, but I can’t help it. And sometimes I feel bad asking it to redo something five times. 🤣🤣🤣
As a metaphor for our current state of affairs...I would say "yes", this is it.
On a side note, for some reason AI seems to have a problem with there only being 5 fingers on each hand.
lets see them screw up the carrot and the stick next
Trump is the AntiChrist.
The dead-letter-literal-interpretation of the Bible,
evangelical fundamentalists white nationalists churches
have been warning about the man of sin" and "son of perdition.
And when he appears, they elect him president.
Boycott the churches on radio & TV.
People have had little, to no, Civics, nor History, in their K-12 Schooling.
In sum, the U.S. has turned into a nation of DUMBASSES, & we only have ourselves to blame.
gonna be hard for AI to flip the bird if it can’t figure out which is the middle finger/bird/whatever
The Internet will go down in history as having given birth to the hegemony of the primitive, borderless, ethnicist misfit! Increasing knowledge but not wisdom, quadrupling dizzying, devastating ignorance...
On a side note, for some reason AI seems to have a problem with there only being 5 fingers on each hand.