So the big social media blockbuster today is a clip of a right-wing nutjob woman in BC telling Trudeau to FO.
Not even gonna post it, it's so pathetic. They're all over it on Twitter, salivating and reposting like it she represents Canadians everywhere. #cdnpoli #peipoli
Not even gonna post it, it's so pathetic. They're all over it on Twitter, salivating and reposting like it she represents Canadians everywhere. #cdnpoli #peipoli
Not posting a link to said shit media: ✔️
11/10 👌
has had to endure. Every time he has a break, some person feels they have the right to invade his privacy and be disrespectful. It’s unfair and undeserved.
Politicians and leaders with integrity, they’d ask their supporters to stop this behaviour. It’s sad how he’s been treated. Truly.
he deserves a rest from the crap!
they played the long game and it looks like they've won this war....
a lesser person might have decked her
she was not decked - she was thanked through a smile
she's a d-grade 'content creator' who does this stuff for money
PM Trudeau rose above the fray and wished the woman a “good day”.
The programs, the benefits, our standing in the world.
So many CONS filled with rage, and not shy about showing their ignorance.
Our PM endured so much hate it’s shameful.