"A demagogue is someone who seeks popular support by exploiting the passions, fears, prejudices, & emotions of the public rather than using rational or logical arguments."
Demagogues like Poilievre pose significant risks to Canadian society #cdnpoli #peipoli
Demagogues like Poilievre pose significant risks to Canadian society #cdnpoli #peipoli
Stealing from Huxley we are on the forefront of a Brave New World.
How to increase reach is the burning question.
Indicative of an imbalanced education system. Ignorance creates resentments that lead to electing authoritarian dictators. History teaches us this.
#BillionaireBootlicker & #TemuTrump...he needs to be kicked to the curb!! @BruceFanjoy where are you?
And we know what ideological demagogue Pierre Poilievre will try to turn this country into through a steady drip of manufactured crises that will lead to privatization, deregulation and union busting, until we're back to the good old days of the robber barons.
He CHOOSES not to know, when his position REQUIRES him to know.
That's CULPABLE deniability.