There are people who keep making stupid excuses like monitoring accounts etc. to stay on X. No. There is no reason to stay on a social media account that is owned by a Nazi. Have some scruples. Leave X. Stop buying Tesla. Make life uncomfortable for this Nazi bastard. This can be done. No excuses.
I follow a family of goats on X. They live in Maine, and I cannot desert them... at this time. So, my ONLY reason is... GOAT related. Yes, I am ashamed. Not that I love goats; but that I'm still there.
Same. Delected my account. I was hoping to hold on until the next Federal Election so I could combat misinformation/propaganda but I just could not in good conscience.
I think they stay on Twitter for two reasons...
1) They don't know better. They are clueless in their bubble, not knowing there are other platforms.
2) They are clutching their pearls, thinking they will lose their followers they spent years accumulating, fearing the future.
Fortunately I have been able to build BS followers = Twitter before my departure and I am finding the engagement higher than on Twitter. Only issue is some people I interacted for years are still on Twitter but their BS posts are very limited or have stopped all together.
I had around 15000-20000 followers across 5 different platforms in the past, so, not bad but not great but I'm grateful anyone followed me...but these days, I'm lucky if I have 8000.
Have you tried to cancel your X account? I have and it’s impossible to cancel it immediately, it can take up to a year if you contact them. If you try to delete your account you get an error message to try again later.
Truly starting to judge those that remain.
There is no both-siding this!
Its a battleground.
They would love it if everyone who resists their propoganda left.
eventually you realize the Emperor’s clothes are missing,
the genius has shit for brains..
He is why America has a 2nd Amendment.
They should use it.
1) They don't know better. They are clueless in their bubble, not knowing there are other platforms.
2) They are clutching their pearls, thinking they will lose their followers they spent years accumulating, fearing the future.