It’s my personal opinion that the Liberals and NDP have to join forces and stop splitting the vote. It’s going to be a “landslide” for the PC’s while the majority of voters went NDP/Liberal or just didn’t vote at all.
Double WTF 😳
Misinformation by pp helped ford manipulate the people of Ontario to make a bad decision? Should’ve never let a federal party constantly bombard airwaves with propaganda? pp and the reform cons did during fords
Holy crap! That would make me tear my hair out. And just classic for Ontario. If there was no NDP, and I come from an NDP family, then the liberals would almost always win.
Me too. The popular vote could be correct😫 but you can't figure out what the seats are gonna be unless you have good, recent polling in each riding. Which I doubt they do.
Gee who could've seen that coming. Give people a chance to do the stupidest thing and they do it? Shocking. Next up, the federal election which will have the same result.
Three left leaning parties against one right leaning party… this will continue to happen until there’s only one left leaning party or we reform the election system.
The left is in the majority according to these numbers but the system doesn’t allow for proper representation.
This will be a sad day for Ontario if this projection comes true. It’s a head scratcher. Honest question, apart from booze and gambling related causes, please name for me what Ford has done to help the general population of Ontario?
He will do nothing. He is a trump fangirl. He has admitted it on camera. IMO we will be sold out, especially with things like for profit healthcare, education and prisons. Ford is undoubtedly for sale. The cons just seem to say whatever to appease and then do what they really want to. Resist 🍁✊🏻🇨🇦
He hasn’t! The only people that benefit from Ford are his cronies and developers! I don’t understand why people vote for this sneaky bully! Voter apathy is the only reason I can think of…
It seems to be world wide. Here 33,000,000 sat out our election because they just couldn't vote for a strong well educated intelligent woman. Instead they in fact allowed the reelection of a dementia riddled child with very little mental acuity for the task he was elected for. He only wants revenge.
It does seem to be a worldwide problem! I watched the run up for the US elections and I had such high hopes for Kamala Harris & Tim Waltz…she ran an awesome campaign and I was devastated when she lost so I can’t imagine how a lot of US citizens felt! I don’t know how to engage the non voters.
Many of the non voters fell for the lies spread by the orange treasonists teams.
They were aided by main stream media, so the non voters believed the lies.
They did not vote for the orange treasonist.
But were afraid to vote for
The main stream media had horrible coverage and they seemed to grab on to any little misstep from Harris but totally gave the orange traitor a pass on his behaviour and what he was saying! I just couldn’t believe it!
The vote is being split between too many parties for one thing. They should’ve put their egos aside, and come together to support one party to go up against ford. Now it looks like it’ll be another conservative win. I hope I’m wrong, but it sure looks that way
I'm so sick of the Tories winning when the combined NDP and Liberal vote is greater. It makes life so much harder than it would be for people on government assistance like long-term disabled (including me). I'm pretty disgusted by it all.
NDP and Lib weren’t prepared. There wasn’t a liberal candidate in my area until last week and I didn’t see one Lib sign. suggested NDP which I would have done anyway. But hard for people to get excited about last minute candidates. Fuck Ford for calling a surprise election!
Most people I know from my home town are voting Ford because they are hateful bigots who don’t understand anything. It’s embarrassing they are just f*ck Trudeau and will vote against their own interests every time and don’t realise he’s not to blame for their problems. I fear for Canada.
Ontario is going back to basics schooling. I suspect because it's cheaper.It will mean kids don't learn critical thinking, good social skills, way too much rote learning, how will these kids be able to adapt in a changing world. Poor education is a hallmark of US red states. Is this what's going on?
Misinformation by pp helped ford manipulate the people of Ontario to make a bad decision? Should’ve never let a federal party constantly bombard airwaves with propaganda? pp and the reform cons did during fords
The left is in the majority according to these numbers but the system doesn’t allow for proper representation.
They were aided by main stream media, so the non voters believed the lies.
They did not vote for the orange treasonist.
But were afraid to vote for
If you don't vote, automatic fine of $500-$1000, applied to tax return.
It would incentivize the people we need to vote, to actually vote - low income. They're the ones getting fucked and still don't bother voting.
Same every cycle.
Youth: "We have all the best ideas."
Elders: "Okay, do you vote?"
Youth: "No... there's no point..."
Elders: "Then you will remain a brain in a box."