Poilievre is like the Steve Buscemi character in Billy Madison. You know the guy with the list of people to kill, next to him, he puts on his red lipstick. That's pp. https://youtu.be/8GCu3mwzivE?feature=sharedwhile
He's a witless populist Trump wannabe, without a concrete plan in his head for what he'd actually do if he got into power. Boot him to the curb. That kind of scumbag has no business being in power.
Authoritarians demand people obey completely, refuse to give them the freedom to act as they please. According to CBC Skippy keeps tight control over his caucus members, MP's said they were much less free than before his arrival. Skippy should look the word up, he's pointing at the wrong person.
Accusation=confession I saw a series of clips with all them sloganeering; the exact same phrases from each one of them
In the house!! Where there are other elected officials - not voters. ??? I thought the opposition was supposed to bring thoughtful criticism on behalf of the ppl not a campaign
Was it simply anti Liberals anti Trudeau sentiment post COVID?
I know the west and conservatism
So did ppl just not see this stuff and think he was a leader?
PeePee says, “wakey wakey”
But why does he always look so sleepy…
He turned on his father and Ana is an Organized Crime Princess!
In the house!! Where there are other elected officials - not voters. ??? I thought the opposition was supposed to bring thoughtful criticism on behalf of the ppl not a campaign