Urban food forests of the US:
—> From Boston to Austin, #agroforestry sequesters carbon, boosts urban ecology & provides fresh food to residents #climatesky
A cool, non-comprehensive list via USDA's National Agroforestry Center: https://www.fs.usda.gov/about-agency/features/urban-food-forests
—> From Boston to Austin, #agroforestry sequesters carbon, boosts urban ecology & provides fresh food to residents #climatesky
A cool, non-comprehensive list via USDA's National Agroforestry Center: https://www.fs.usda.gov/about-agency/features/urban-food-forests
Grapes, peas, beans and other vines (on trellis)
Raspberries, Blackberries, and other berry shrubs (Preferably managed by shaping, and/or support structures)
Fruit trees.