Lots of folks a bloo bloo blooing about the Eagles being back in the Super Bowl and I just want to say please keep doing that for the next two weeks, I love it. The best part of winning is winning, but the second best part is watching fans of loser teams sob in their corn flakes about it


From what I’ve seen the Eagles are the preferred team. Everyone hates KC.
Chiefs are getting more of it and if I was a Chiefs fan I’d be even more out of pocket over it, but I’ve definitely seen complaining about the Eagles too
I will never be able to really get into football because the metafootball is far too entertaining.
We're not mad they're back, we're mad they're gonna lose.
I’m sure that’s it and not that they dropped a 50-burger on the same team that ended the Lions season in their own house
Get Slay a ring already.
Win the game.
I could care less about the Lions right now, I'm a football fan.
The thing about eagles fans is your over-bearing Trumpishness to always be pricks. You win, pricks. You lose, still pricks. And yes I’m a 49ers fan and proud of my team win or lose but I’m not above saying reasonable things like “good game” or “we lost to a better team”. That said #beatKC
There are Eagles fans that are insufferable assholes. I also know that every team has those fans. The fact that a 49ers fan would preach about saying “reasonable things” after hearing fans and PLAYERS THEMSELVES whining about their QB getting injured and how that is unfair is...something.
Not to mention the head coach and GM whining so much to the league the league changed the rule on emergency QB's.
Yeah, I don't remember any "we lost to a better team" in 2022.
The way I remember it, they all thought they would have won if Purdy hadn’t gotten hurt. Pretty big assumption to make about a 7th round rookie in a road playoff game imho!
That's true, and they were so certain about it, as if it was a certified fact that Eagles fans were just dismissing out of spite. I mean, it was 31-7, not 21-20.
Buddy I remember the aftermath of the 21-22 NFCCG I am absolutely not taking lessons on civility or sportsmanship from 49ers fans. Even the *org* couldn’t stop crying and whining about a game they lost by 3 touchdowns
Go birds!
Lazy shit talk gets a block
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Especially when they’re rocking Niners or Bengals gear…