English speakers that accept the pronunciation of names like Anaïs and Thibault because they know that despite using a similar alphabet they're French language names but can't grasp the same logic for Irish language names like Siobhán or Eoghan or Caoilfhionn are the worst type of willful eejits.
I will not accept we are willfully struggling to remember those pronunciations as they are probably names we dont come across often in a situation where we have to read them out loud.
I mean WTF? Almost all of them are just remember the Romanization does not include context-based long and short vowels.
(Yes, "modern" in the sense of being grammatically and syntactically recognisable by a contemporary English-speaker…)
"Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote,
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licóur
Of which vertú engendred is the flour..."
I came here to say that.
Puts my name into an online form for a delivery, gets something addressed to "SiobhA!N"
This is an English database, for English versions of Hebrew names only!
And there is a name Caoimhán which is pronounced as either Quay-vaun, Quee-vaun or Kee-vaun (First one would be rare, but I've heard all three)
It's a lovely name any way you spell it.
(Also the way Rhiannon and Rhianwen are written sounds wrong to me; they ought to be Hriannon and Hrianwen I observe...)
Question for Irish-English speakers: is Irish structured similarly to English and Latin-influenced languages with subject-verb and verb tenses etc?
this is so useful and exactly what I needed
That's the point.
You do know that can get your head lobbed off in the town square! 😆
She didn't correct me, but I felt stupid when I realised
It was worth a try.
The celt as savage other must never be contemplated honestly or fairly, lest he become a mirror.
However, knowing which letter is the primary and which is the accent can be confusing.
Of course, I'm sure speakers of other languages/dialects have the same problem with the "ch" and "sh" found in British and American English.
Anyway, I'm sure you're aware that swearing is Ireland's form of punctuation
Been over here working through Hooked on Phonics for the whole day after this ordeal.
It's amazing how many English folks refuse to pronounce my name correctly, even after having been told how to.
To be fair, it is a minority of English people.