I like his little melt down. He just cant cope with any sort of correction or rebuke. The faces on him and Vance being reminded of the religion they claim to follow. You could see they were pissed off. Chump is used to people blowing smoke up his ass so anything else upsets him.
Trump was pissed off. Vance was shook. Kept trying to catch his wife's eye, even mumbled something to her. She totally ignored him and sat there staring straight at the bishop taking in every word looking like she wanted to cry.
She has the spine no gop has. And donnie can't spell mercy. Much less have any. He's been a freeloader his entire life. Sitting next to a rent a hooker immigrant. What would Donnie do if one of his kids or grandkids were trans? Or the gop? I already know what Musk rat would do. Abandon them
Like most losers, he thinks anyone who might need help is a loser, beneath contempt.