I just feel that anyone who has been buying cards for longer than a couple weeks should know to just buy singles. plus the looming recession. among other things
That's fair, but most people don't wanna buy just singles. Opening up packs is more fun and exciting. It's disappointing to go to some store after I get off work, wanting to buy something and have all the shelves just be completely empty. Haven't seen any Pokémon products in over a month by me
I live in Chicago, so a pretty big city. Peope in my neighborhood have legit started to memorize when the local stores get restocked. If you're not there as soon the shelves get restocked you're basically screwed.
sure. and I know singles have gone up abt 20% across the board just this year too. but it is also basically just scratch off tickets. most people are chasing a certain card and they'd be way happier not competing with scalpers and just buying second hand
I definitely see your point. But there a lot of people not like that. This is a children's card game, after all. I have coworkers who are parents who haven't been able to buy anything for their children because of what's going on. Those kids don't have a chase card, they just wanna rip stuff open