My grandma had one of those glow in the dark alarm clocks. There was a company called Luminous Processes outside Athens GA that painted the dials. It was later declared a Superfund site, and was walled off while they tore it down & hauled everything off, including the dirt, to a landfill.
Amazing video as always. These are always a stop what you're doing and dig in sort of moment. It's crazy that these things were looked on as healthy. Makes you wonder what poison we're currently consuming while blissfully unaware... Ah well all gotta die sometime... Would prefer to keep my jaw...
This was great & a strong argument for a *regulated* free market under capitalism lol. Some people will literally endanger/kill others for a buck & it’s horrifying. Arsenic wallpaper comes to mind too
Stellar video, super interesting wish I wasn’t eating, but I couldn’t turn it off once it started.
More proof that our "alternative medicine" industry, the belief that segments of the public have in it, and in cases like this, the harm it may cause, are nothing new.
Stellar video, super interesting wish I wasn’t eating, but I couldn’t turn it off once it started.
Thank you for educating people of this time of the importance of the FDA. People seem to have forgotten how dangerous radiation is.