It does feel like in the long term, for baseloads we might have either fusion and/or large fission reactors, and for distributed/remote/portable uses modular and salt reactors will be fantastic. For resilience it's better then using any one technology.
Dangit Kyle, giving us hope in these times! ;D
A good watch, eager to see the rest. Interested to find out what safety precautions such a reactor requires, as well as what happens in the result of a failure
The safety precautions are actually pretty minor. In the result of failure, the salt hardens and traps the radioactive material. I've been following the science on these for a while. Essentially, Thorium has very little chance of melting down. The reactor can be as small as a cargo trailer.
I don't know anything about, but it was a good video. Here's a deeper explanation from someone I know works actively as a nuclear physicist. The downside is mostly political, and some corrosion from the molten salt (may have been solved?).
Thorium was considered when Uranium was chosen. uranium was chosen because it can be used to create nuclear weapons too.
From what i understand, thorium liquid salt reactors are legal to build in your backyard
There was a comment in the video about the reactor metal itself having a 5 year life span due to the wear. So presumably in mass production scenario, the fuel would be reused as reactors are replaced. So it's a question of disposing/recycling the end of life reactors....
But the radioactivity diminishes within hundreds of years rather than tens of thousands, so although it's still a long term issue, it definitely changes the game.
Indeed existing vaults are up and running and they are incredible. You're right that environmental impact is fearmongering. But when I say long term issue, I mean for example the financial costs to construct vaults. Nuclear is our best option, but we can always build on overall efficiency.
Dangit Kyle, giving us hope in these times! ;D
Forgive me if the science doesn't check out I am secretly a marshmallow and havnt made it through mallow U yet.
p.s. in all seriousness though your content is awesome !
Any chance that part two is coming sooner than later? I’d really like to show the full thing to my class. :)
From what i understand, thorium liquid salt reactors are legal to build in your backyard