Tonight was my first time running a one-shot for our Dungeons and Dragons party. It was Halloween themed! I made an assortment of potions that gave the players in game buffs when they drank them IRL. I made a few heinous brews 🤭
I'm not great at making game play scary but we had a good time!
I'm not great at making game play scary but we had a good time!
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We're doing Ghosts of Saltmarsh. It's mutated into a homebrew maritime infinity stone mystery. The party's BBEG is the warlock's very chaotic ex-patron who controls the cult in town. It's very improv heavy and super fun!
It’s also definitely hard to run a full one-shot in two hours! At the game shop I work at we do 2.5 hour one shots, and even that feels rushed sometimes. I usually end up cutting things behind the scenes.
I’ve definitely encountered situations like that prison scene before - sometimes rolling well is ironically the least fun. And it’s hard to change up a section with special mechanics on the fly.