To be serious, at a time when women's sexuality is under threat in multiple countries (not just the US) seeing an affirmation of women's rights to control their sexuality on stage would be a powerful statement. It's about putting women's needs front and center. #umk25
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The song is about orgasms.
Erika Vikman has created that in an arena, yet it also translates to TV and Finland should vote for her because of that imo.
Erika Vikman has created that in an arena, yet it also translates to TV and Finland should vote for her because of that imo.
I am Erika
You're full of stamina
Hit mе once again
Grab my ass
And when you want more love
Just shout "Encore"
And, baby, I'm coming
Contextually, I don't think we're talking about a DV situation - I think we're talking more about getting spanked or engaging in some sort of S&M behaviour which, if it's consensual and done with aftercare - great! The 1 ...
HOWEVER, The "grab my ass" line appears to be "go fuck my ass" in Finnish.
Have fun with that one, EBU!