Staring into the abyss that is the relative ages of superheroes across a sliding timeline.
Galaxy is older than Blue Beetle, but younger than Starfire. Starfire is about the same age as Wally West, who has three kids, but both are younger than Superman who has a son who is Galaxy's aproximate age.
Galaxy is older than Blue Beetle, but younger than Starfire. Starfire is about the same age as Wally West, who has three kids, but both are younger than Superman who has a son who is Galaxy's aproximate age.
Then I wake up in the field again, covered in blood not my own
When you get to Marvel you get into the real weeds.
Your comics historian head explodes like a computer in Star Trek after Kirk asked it to define love or some shit.
Marvel seriously needs to have Kang eat the time line and reset everything, a big actual restart.
Green Arrow is older than Batman, but that's more of vibes thing than anything else.
Just going by Robins, I feel like Galaxy is younger than Dick and Jason, but around the same age as Tim and Steph. Am I right?
But I guess in the insane timeline i mapped out I have Bruce at 45 and Dick at 25?
Bruce is 28 when he meets 8 year old Dick, who becomes Robin, then Nightwing at 18 when Bruce is 38, and has been Nightwing for 7 years
Comic time has me like 🫨