The uproar and perslnal devastation over tiktok is surprising. Given the crickets from the same crowd over giving our government over to the Broligarchs
And 🇺🇸 uses X, FB, IG, and all other apps to data mine, spread propaganda, incite hatred and bigotry, influence elections and on and on. Fukkerberg has a whole lot more to do with TTs demise than any threat from 🇨🇳 and it is no wonder he is now licking boots and asses.
So what! Let them. It would hurt them more than it would hurt us. Besides, once you’re a multi billionaire, do you really need more money? There’s a line where the pursuit of more money turns into pure greed. Why bother with those countries anyway?
Fkn nonsense. Tik Twat is like having an open window for burglars to come in and rob you. The CcP want to destroy America and Tit Wank is a major cok up your fkn jacksie. Wake up you dumb mthfkrs!
The size and reach of the protests was huge. Political education went through the roof. They dont want young smart angry people who already know they got screwed by the government! Who will be there cannon fodder for the war machine or the slaves in the prison system and those stuck on minimum wage?
I was simply pointing out that the US is doing the same thing that the dreaded communist party is doing. Yes, the US is fascist, and I am aware that fascism and communism are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Regardless, the US is on some bullshit and I want off this ride now!
I don’t believe the US actually wants to ban TikTok. It is an extremely successful social media app and is making lots of money, so of course the US billionaires want control of it. My personal opinion is that threatening to ban it is a bargaining chip to try and force them to sell.
Good. We need to ban big tech. Big Tech is obviously the global threat here. At least China is a communist country. Why in blazes are US citizens, Congress, and Trump have to give tax relief to tech billionaires? This is ridiculous. They either agree to be taxed and regulated or get out!
-Sheer popularity
-it breaks through US prop algorithms
-the data collection scare is moot.