🚨FUN FACT: These FAUX-news outlets sell spots on their sites. They sell out truth and democracy for MONEY. It’s a coordinated effort by right-wing liars to articulate phony stories to influence public opinion. ALWAYS 👏RESEARCH. 👏 🔁 #nodemunder1k #bluecrew #demcast #fbr #nafo #proudblue #nodemunder5k
Commander Crazy Pants just spews whatever he thinks about in his vacant head.
It was absolute Chaos during his 1st Reign of Ineptitude during COVID. The next 4 years are going to be stressful, we've gotta stick together.
My dad always left his stack of papers on the table
Id check football
The comics
And the little blurb about each state in USA today
I don't think I've read one as an adult