“In everyone’s pocket right now is a computer far more powerful than the one we flew on Voyager. I don’t mean your cell phone — I mean the key fob that unlocks your car.”
— Rich Terrile, JPL scientist and member of the Voyager imaging team
— Rich Terrile, JPL scientist and member of the Voyager imaging team
This is a Macintosh (the original) emulator. It emulates the CPU, video hardware and floppy disk (partly) well enough that you run the original OS and applications on it.
And it runs on a Raspberry Pico ARM microcontroller meant to turn on lights, read sensors and control toys […]
and thats a real shame.
> I mean the key fob that unlocks your car
Ahh, don't have one of those… but the YubiKeys I carry around might qualify.
(source: Hackers is from sept 1995, most recent supercomputer list then was from […]