It's almost like you are highly interested in a franchise that uses these colors everywhere or something.
Anyway, what's supposed to be insinuated by the main post? Are you suggesting there's a cut level that might be reinstated? I'm a little lost here I won't lie
Ah dammit, I was so busy having a laugh about valve breaking their game that i forgot to think though the implications of "anniversary edition build with functioning portals in it"
i think the sole reason code wasn’t released as part of the original portal 1 sdk was because valve realised they accidentally let the best game ever be made and didn’t want people to have fun with it before they could do a sequel and then moved onto source 2
that sounds really weird I don't see how anyone could have surpassed them in terms of quality but I guess it kinda makes sense if they were paranoid the market would be flooded with portal clones?
Anyway, what's supposed to be insinuated by the main post? Are you suggesting there's a cut level that might be reinstated? I'm a little lost here I won't lie
But yes, P1 and HLS code next pls
(And raise up the edict limit, 2047 ents are ridiculously low, especially in MP 🥺)