With some new followers joining along to check my entire work, might as well want to give a good introduction post here.
Hey there, name's Caffetap (also known as Caffe for short)! I'm a digital artist, and a sprite maker who does often well best to share some interesting art for everyone else.
Hey there, name's Caffetap (also known as Caffe for short)! I'm a digital artist, and a sprite maker who does often well best to share some interesting art for everyone else.
have this image of dr maddiman hes cool
...even though I may be wrong as we haven't known each other from before (correct me if possible), but it really means a lot from your kind words and I appreciate that! I too wish you the best day ever and a good morning/evening/afternoon to you too. ❤️
Welcome to Bluesky, by the way! Hope you're feeling healthy to be in a new platform here.
I really do miss talking to my pals like you, even on Discord, however I bet you might enjoy some stuff that'll keep you on touch!
There's a lot that I'm sure will make them happen in my art.
Here's some that'll make you feel quite interested!
That's all about my short introduction, though. Hope you and I can make something exciting as new friends one day!