Thames Water has been given a £3 billion bailout, paid for by you and me.
Why should households have to pay for the mess that Thames Water got itself into, just so execs and shareholders can protect their profits?
There is a better solution: take water into public ownership.
Why should households have to pay for the mess that Thames Water got itself into, just so execs and shareholders can protect their profits?
There is a better solution: take water into public ownership.
The ultimate betrayal of the labour tradition.
"Scottish Water, which remains publicly owned, invested on average nearly 35 percent more per household than English water companies"
Government also needs to take responsibility for nature conservation, environment, hospices etc, and not leave them dependent on charitable donations.
Spoiler alert, they're not red tories.
Interest rate of 9.75% on this loan ,
That's nearly 900m in interest alone to be paid .
Thames water is nothing but a Cash Cow for its shareholders, and the customers get shafted
Support WASP!
Take it all, you can always close more stuff in the North.
As sure as shit smells, this will come to pass 💩
Why aren't the shareholders the ones paying for it?
If you're going to complain, at least get your facts right.
They'll sort it out again in 6 months.
Will nobody think of the oligarchs?
this is a service required for human life, why do we have to pay out to rich people?
From the Torygraph, no less:
That's the trouble when all one cares about is the share price - long term planning, even the survival of the business, is out of the window.
The many bail out the billionaires and have the pleasure of swimming in England's sewage-filled rivers.
Wish Thatcher were alive to witness this torrent of shit.
The CEO looked like he was brought in off the street!