It was great to catch up with Chelsea Manning.
Chelsea paid an enormous price for exposing US war crimes to the world — and continues to speak out against state surveillance and defend the human rights of others.
She is proof that acts of courage can change the world.
Chelsea paid an enormous price for exposing US war crimes to the world — and continues to speak out against state surveillance and defend the human rights of others.
She is proof that acts of courage can change the world.
I have an abundance of money but my family is working class.
Stop playing with stuff around the edges.
You are there to keep people docile, and let them think, change can come via the ballot box.
A fraud, like Sanders.
Tell me, do you like capitalism?
Oh, and Corbyn is a liberal, at best, people who claim to be left wing, oppose capitalism.
Do you not like him? I utterly adore him and his work. He’s so clever. His recent interview with Alastair Campbell was great. His work with Alice Levine is great too.
I don’t know why you are so filled with hate. Probably your life has not worked out how you would have liked. Mine has. I have love and money. Maybe be nicer and your world would work.
I missed that.
Corbyn did however promise to violently implement Sausage Stalinism. That one is true.
It was on the TV. It was in the papers.
Why are you so ignorant? Why do you hate Corbyn so much? Is it because he promised to feed hungry children and you just couldn't have that?
Remain was still a better option though and Corbyn said as much.
How many times did Farage speak out for leave. Thousands. Constantly.
But you point to one article. Do you see the problem?
What on earth are you trying to do? It's just bizarre. People's obsession with trying to misrepresent Corbyn is wild
(In case you can’t extrapolate, I’m calling you a c***.)
It won't be okay for everyone pam, some ppl are going to fucking die, at the hands of the party who rat fucked the man in the picture.
You should delete and apologise.
So send me a clip of Corbyn speaking in the commons in support of remain.
And experience we could all have.
Also, so sweet you looked at my bio. I live on a giant plot of land on the top of a mountain. Pretty much idilic.
You stupid fucking bastard
Something is wrong with you or you have been fed horseshit by liars and maybe you should stop listening to liars?
Prevents embarrassing yourself in public amongst a better informed audience who sees your uninformed nazi propaganda-style drivel
Anyway. I’m rich, kind, and loved. So you can’t hurt me.
There's plenty of things to call him out on but this specifically isn't one of them.
I'm sorry
I'm ahmed. My family and I are facing very difficult circumstances in Gaza, and we need your help. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives. If you can contribute or even share this message, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you☹️☹️🥹😣
It isn't JUST because you live in Cyprus.
Love that you are unable to do this and therefore are a lying ,,,t.
They would need to be able to compete with the British media apparatus as a hostile opponent, for example.
An authentic
The amount of safe countries keeps shrinking
Either of us would be arrested and put in male prison. Doubleplusungood...
Was thinking of someone else the fascists have attacked
Thank you Jeremy. ❤️
Also, I almost accidentally misgendered
maybe give people an opportunity to correct an unintentional embarrassing mistake
Manning wasn’t responsible for parsing the document, wikileaks was and they did nothing
How much oxygen do you steal for liberal wasted words, when the rest of us are bleeding on the street?