Jesus christ on a flying cracker, trying to talk to my mother and her defending Trump is hard for me to deal with. I am just not good at playing it cool and laying things out with an easy heart. I'm in panic/trauma mode immediately. And I know it makes me look like I'm just being insane
I'm sorry it's one you're dealing with, too.
Have you read "They Thought They Were Free," by Milton Mayer? I've been thinking of reading it in hopes for some help 1) making sense of things and 2) for any suggestions it might offer (not sure if it will have any though).
Esp when the 'courses' (good therapy) is expensive and difficult to find.
I recommend the book Toxic Parents as a good primer.
Where do you live?
I find it fucking insane, but I'm neurospicy. A lot of tribal noise is whack to me
Not directly related, Also heard of Canada's prime minister resignation.
She has missed the anti-trans stuff. She's in lala land. She wants to check out on everything for the sake of getting along with her husband.
I recently let go of my mom. Its hard.
My own path HAS to start with getting control of my broken brain. I am no use to anyone, Trumper or ally, until I can stand up to .... anything. I used to cry having to talk to a stranger. As an adult!!!!
We can't make people care, we can't teach them empathy. These are things out of our control, what we CAN do is come together and create communities who understand, support, love and accept. Also, your worth isn't tied to what
I know I'm a stranger on the internet, but my DMs are always open and so is my heart to making new friends 💕
I'm sort of feeling it out and talking it out to hopefully navigate the labyrinth.
Donald tells them what they want to hear. Not the truth. Donald is the answer because our government doesn't do shit to help us. Until she is hit with something that snaps her back into reality it's hard to cope with that.
(If you want to see why it's so easy for politics and cults to mix.)
So like, my work here is to change myself, and I know that. But the pain of the situation is also a lot. And deciding how to deal with it is hard. Sharing is part of my new strategy there.
Their 'facts' and our 'facts' are so different. And it takes SO MUCH EFFORT just to compare notes and come to some sane agreement over what is a duck and what is a rabbit.
And with some people it's no use. It's a rabbit, end of story.
But goddamnit would it be sweet to say 'I fucking told you so you stupid STUPID cunt!!!'
But I don't really want to say that.
Like, it's hard to explain that not every Trumpet is a slavering monster.
In the end I am not going to be the worst version of myself. But sometimes I struggle to, I don't know, engage with non-constructive impulses like that. It's a lot of work. And is hard.
Managing feelings is hard.
But the first campaign (vs Hillary), with only two exceptions (one of which was basically a hanger on of the other), they were all single-issue voters -- and none of the issue were race or gender
And every time I talk to my mother about it she's like 'oh I'm sure he's not going to actually attack trans people' or 'what? I never heard about [scummy thing he's doing]' so there's definitely a disconnect there.
But selling someone out for one's own comfort is a human impulse. If it weren't we would boycott bananas and computers etc until shit was fixed.
Like, that's humans 101. That's the source of religion and cultural values. It's completely normal behavior. But goddamn is it a bitch when a fucker is driving
I know I'm making the mistake of expecting buddha-like calm from myself.
Communication is just such a bitch, but for me especially.